Our guest blogger this month is Debra DiPietro, the creator of her award winning blog, The Warm Milk Journal where the mission is to live the life of our dreams by day and sleep restfully at night.
When not writing or working as a social media specialist, you can find Debra walking and dreaming at the beach or sweating it out at her neighborhood Bikram Yoga studio. Debra makes her home in sunny Atlantic Beach, Florida with husband John, daughter Aimee, and cats Patches and Mew.
How we live our day affects how well we sleep at night. A day that has produced an anxious mind and stressed out body is not the stuff of sweet dreams.
A few questions we can ask ourselves are: How are we feeling physically and emotionally? What are we focused on and choosing to spend our time on (and with whom)? Are we eating well and drinking enough water? Are we giving ourselves much needed down time? All of these things and more can come into play when it is time to settle down in the evening and turn off the light.
First thing in the morning is a particularly sensitive and vulnerable time of day. What we do and how we feel in those first few minutes upon rising can set the tone for the rest of the day including bedtime.
Here are a few ideas to make sure you get a great start to your morning.
- Gratitude: Beginning our day with gratitude is a great practice. If we focus on our blessings we tend to experience even more of them during the day. When you first wake up, think of something you are thankful for. As you get out of your bed think or say: “thank” when your first foot lands on the floor or carpet. Think or say “you” when the next foot lands. Continue to think “thank you” as you take your first steps to brush your teeth or get your morning coffee.
- Journal Writing: Journal writing for a few minutes in the morning is a wonderful gift of time you can give yourself. You have a chance to get still, quiet, and connect with your higher power. You can write out something you are looking forward to, add a few blessings to a gratitude list, write a prayer, or positive affirmation of some kind. I Am statements are powerful. You can write simply: “I am healthy or I am productive” or whatever resonates with you on that morning.
- Exercise: Working out our bodies during the day improves our chances of getting a good night sleep. Morning workouts are special. You have a chance to get moving and generate good energy. If you don’t have a lot of time in the morning, consider taking a walk outdoors. Exposure to natural light during the day can help us sleep deeper at night.
- Quiet Reflection: Some choose to quietly reflect in indoors. Others go outdoors to the relaxing waters a hot tub. If you have access to a hot tub, consider starting your day with 20 minutes of quiet reflection in warm water to help sleep better later that evening.
Have a wonderful day and sleep well tonight!
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