Finding effective ways to improve your health can be illusive and frustrating. There are times when you feel as though someone hid the puzzle pieces between the seat cushions. It takes hard work, determination and a bit of stubbornness to solve the challenges of achieving and maintaining good health. Hot tub hydrotherapy solves a vast
Continue Reading?We all have times when life feels out of balance. You want to be your best at home and at work, but sometimes the pressure builds and you wish you could take some time to just “be”. Enter the power of warm water and massage. With a hot tub at home, your personal pause button
Continue Reading?How to determine the real value of a home spa Shopping for a hot tub? This decision can truly change your life. It sounds dramatic, but it’s true. And we’ll prove it in the 2 or so minutes it takes to read this blog! To determine the real value of a home spa, weigh the
Continue Reading?by Anne Kruse You don’t have to be a workaholic to want a promotion. Striving for a better standard of life feeds our need for fulfillment. Are you interested in creating a path for yourself to the next level? Consider the benefits of spending time in a hot tub. As one of our valued customers puts it,
Continue Reading?by Anne Kruse How do you create a shift in thinking to allow good things to manifest in your life? One way is to create a new perception. For example, what if you viewed owning a portable hot tub the same way you view a meaningful friendship? You look for qualities that are
Continue Reading?Small changes to diet, lifestyle and daily habits can boost your immunity this winter. Spending time in your hot tub may be one of those daily habits. It’s part of a holistic approach to wellness with significant positive benefits. Just 20 minutes a day in a hot tub can help reduce stress, increase flexibility &
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